Calabrese Lab Publications

 HN cells 


·        Invited Reviews and Chapters

·        Research Papers

·        Laboratory Publications Supported by Grants to R.L.C.


The publications are listed in chronological order with the most recent publications at the end.


Research Papers

Jefcoate, C.R.E., Gaylor, J.L., and Calabrese, R.L.  Ligand interaction with cytochrome P-450.  I.  Binding of primary amines. Biochemistry 8:3455-3463, 1969.


Jefcoate, C.R.E., Calabrese, R.L., and Gaylor, J.L.  Ligand interaction with hemoprotein P-450.  III. The use of n-octylamine and ethyl isocyanide difference spectroscopy in the quantitative determination of high- and low-spin P450. Molecular Pharmacology 6:391-401, 1970. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L.,  and Kennedy, D. Multiple sites of spike initiation in a single dendritic system. Brain Research 82:316-321, 1974. [pdf]


Kennedy, D., Calabrese, R.L., and Wine, J.J. Presynaptic inhibition: Primary afferent depolarization in crayfish neurons.  Science 186:451-454, 1974. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Crayfish mechanoreceptive interneurons:  I. The nature of ipsilateral excitatory inputs.  J. Comparative Physiology 105:83-102, 1976.


Calabrese, R.L. Crayfish mechanoreceptive interneurons: II. Bilateral interactions and inhibition.  J. Comparative Physiology 105:103-114, 1976.


Kristan,W.B., Jr., and Calabrese, R.L. Rhythmic swimming activity in neurons of the isolated nerve cord of the leech.  J. Experimental Biology 65:643-668, 1976. [pdf]


Wiese, K., Calabrese, R.L., and Kennedy, D. Integration of directional mechanosensory input by crayfish interneurons. J. Neurophysiology 39:834-843, 1976. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. The neural control of alternate heartbeat coordination states in the leech.  J. Comparative Physiology 122:111-143, 1977. [pdf]


Stent, G.S., Kristan,W.B., Jr., Friesen,W.O., Ort, C.A., Poon, M., and Calabrese, R.L. Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement. Science 200:1348-1357, 1978. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. The roles of endogenous membrane properties and synaptic interaction in generating the heartbeat rhythm of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Experimental Biology 82:163-176, 1979. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Control of multiple impulse-initiation sites in a leech interneuron. J. Neurophysiology 44:878-896, 1980. [pdf]


Kennedy, D., McVittie, J., Calabrese, R.L., Fricke, R, Craelius, W., and Chiapella, P. Inhibition of mechanosensory interneurons in the crayfish. I. Presynaptic inhibition from giant fibers. J. Neurophysiology 43:1495-1509, 1980. [pdf]


Carrow, G.M., Calabrese, R.L., and Williams, C.M. Spontaneous and evoked release of prothoracicotropin from multiple neurohemal organ of the tobacco hornworm. P.N.A.S. 78:5866-5870, 1981. [pdf]


Shafer, M.R, and Calabrese, R.L. Similarities and differences in the structure of segmentally homologous neurons that control the hearts in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Cell and Tissue Research 214:137-153, 1981. [pdf]


Peterson, E.L., and Calabrese, R.L. Dynamic analysis of a rhythmic neural circuit in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Neurophysiology 47(2):256-271, 1982. [pdf]


Arbas, E.A, and Calabrese, R.L. Rate modification in the heartbeat central pattern generator of the medicinal leech. J. Comparative Physiology A 155:738-794, 1984. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L., and Maranto, A.R. Neural control of the hearts in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis:  III. Regulation of myogenicity and muscle tension by heart accessory neurons. J. Comparative Physiology A 154:393-406, 1984. [pdf]


Carrow, G.M., Calabrese, R.L, and Williams, C.M. Architecture and physiology of insect cerebral neurosecretory cells. J. Neuroscience 4:1034-1044, 1984. [pdf]


Maranto, A.R., and Calabrese, R.L. Neural control of the hearts in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis: I. Anatomy, electrical coupling, and innervations of the hearts. J. Comparative Physiology A 154:367-380, 1984. [pdf]


Maranto, A.R., and Calabrese, R.L. Neural control of  the hearts in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis: II. Myogenic activity and its control by heart motor neurons. J. Comparative Physiology A 154:389-391, 1984. [pdf]


Li, C., and Calabrese, R.L. Evidence for proctolin-like substances in the central nervous system of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Comparative Neurology 232:414-424, 1985.


Kuhlman, J.R., Li, C., and Calabrese, R.L. FMRFamide-like substances in the leech: I. Immunocytochemical localization. J. Neuroscience 5:2301-2309, 1985. [pdf]


Kuhlman, J.R., Li. C., and Calabrese, R.L. FMRFamide-like substances in the leech: II. Bioactivity on the heartbeat system. J. Neuroscience 5:2310-2317, 1985. [pdf]


Tolbert, L.P., and Calabrese, R.L. Anatomical analysis of contacts between identified neurons in the heartbeat system of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Cell and Tissue Research 242:257-267, 1985. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L,. and Maranto, A.R. Cholinergic action on the heart of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Experimental Biology 125:205-224, 1986. [pdf]


Carroll, L.S., Carrow, G.M., and Calabrese, R.L. Localization and release of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the cerebral neuroendocrine system of Manduca sexta. J. Experimental Biology 126:1-14, 1986. [pdf]


Marder, E., Calabrese, R.L., Nusbaum, M.P., and Trimmer, B. Distribution and partial characterization of FMRFamide-like peptides in the stomatogastric nervous systems of the rock crab, Cancer borealis, and the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus. J. Comparative Neurology 259:150-163, 1986.


Arbas, E.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Ionic conductances underlying the activity of interneurons that control heartbeat in the medicinal leech. J. Neuroscience 7:3945-3952, 1987. [pdf]


Arbas, E.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Slow oscillations of membrane potential in interneurons that control heartbeat in the medicinal leech. J. Neuroscience 7: 3953-3960, 1987. [pdf]


Li, C., and Calabrese, R.L. FMRFamide-like substances in the leech: III. Biochemical characterization and physiological effects. J. Neuroscience 7:595-603, 1987. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., and Calabrese, R.L. Identification of motor neurons that contain FMRFamide-like peptide and the effect of FMRFamide on longitudinal muscle in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Comparative Neurology. 266:95-111, 1987. [pdf]


Angstadt, J.D., and Calabrese, R.L. A hyperpolarization-activated inward current in heart interneurons of the medicinal leech. J. Neuroscience 9:2846-2857, 1989. [pdf]


Evans, B.D., and Calabrese, R.L. Small cardioactive peptide-like immunoreactivity and its colocalization with FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Cell and Tissue Research 257:187-199, 1989. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., and Calabrese, R.L. Action of FMRFamide on longitudinal muscle of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Comparative Physiology A 167:211-224, 1990. [pdf]


Arbas, E.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Leydig neuron activity modulates heartbeat in the medicinal leech. J. Comparative Physiology A 167:665-671, 1990. [pdf]


Angstadt, J.D., and Calabrese, R.L. Calcium currents and graded synaptic transmission between heart interneurons of the leech. J. Neuroscience 11(3):746-759, 1991. [pdf]


Evans, B.D., Pohl, J., Kartsonis, N.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Identification of RFamide neuropeptides in the medicinal leech. Peptides 12:897-908, 1991. [pdf]


Wenning, A., and Calabrese, R.L. Mechanism of Cl- sensitivity in internal ion receptors of the leech: an inward current gated off by Cl- in nephridial nerve cells. J. Comparative Physiology A 168:53-61, 1991. [pdf]


Schmidt, J., and Calabrese, R.L. Evidence that acetylcholine is an inhibitory transmitter of heart interneurons in the leech. J. Experimental Biology 171:329-347, 1992. [pdf]


Simon, T.W., Opdyke, C.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Modulatory effects of FMRF-NH2 on outward currents and oscillatory activity in heart interneurons of the medicinal leech. J. Neuroscience 12:525-537, 1992. [pdf]


Thompson, K.J., and Calabrese, R.L. FMRFamide effects on membrane properties of heart cells isolated from the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Neurophysiology 67:280-291, 1992. [pdf]


De Schutter, E., Angstadt, J. D., and Calabrese, R.L. A model of graded synaptic transmission for use in dynamic network simulations. J. Neurophysiology 69:1225-1235, 1993. [pdf]


Weimann, J.M., Marder, E., Evans, B., and Calabrese, R.L. The effects of SDRNFLRFamide and TNRNFLRFamide on the motor patterns of the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer Borealis. J. Experimental Biology 181:1-26, 1993. [pdf]


Wenning, A., Cahill, M.A., Hoeger, U., and Calabrese, R.L. Sensory and neurosecretory innervation of leech nephridia is accomplished by a single neuron containing FMRFamide. J. Experimental Biology 182:81-96, 1993. [pdf]


Gramoll, S., Schmidt, J., and Calabrese, R.L. Switching in the activity state of an interneuron that controls coordination of the hearts in the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Experimental Biology 186:157-171, 1994. [pdf]


Opdyke, C.A., and Calabrese, R.L. A persistent sodium current contributes to oscillatory activity in heart interneurons of the medicinal leech. J. Comparative Physiology A 175:781-789, 1994. [pdf]


Simon, T.W., Schmidt, J., and Calabrese, R.L. Modulation of high threshold transmission between heart interneurons of the medicinal leech by FMRF-NH2. J. Neurophysiology 71:454-466, 1994. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L., Nadim, F., and Olsen, Ø.H. Heartbeat control in the medicinal leech: A model system for understanding the origin, coordination, and modulation of rhythmic motor patterns. J. Neurobiology 27:390-402, 1995. [pdf]


Nadim, F., Olsen, Ø.H., De Schutter, E., and Calabrese, R.L. Modeling the leech heartbeat elemental oscillator: I. Interactions of intrinsic and synaptic currents. J. Computational Neuroscience 2:215-135, 1995. [pdf]


Olsen, Ø.H., Nadim, F., and Calabrese, R.L. Modeling the leech heartbeat elemental oscillator: II. Exploring the Parameter Space. J. Computational Neuroscience 2:237-257, 1995. [pdf]


Opdyke, C.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Outward currents in heart motor neurons of the medicinal leech. J. Neurophysiology 74(6):2524-2537, 1995. [pdf]


Schmidt, T., Gramoll, S., and Calabrese, R.L. Segment - Specific effects of FMRFamide on membrane propeties of heart interneurons in the leech. J. Neurophysiology 74:1485-1497, 1995. [pdf]


Wenning, A., and Calabrese, R.L. An endogeneous peptide modulates the activity of a sensory neuron in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Experimental Biology 198:1405-1415, 1995. [pdf]


Olsen, Ø.H., and Calabrese, R.L. Activation of intrinsic and Synaptic currents in leech heart interneurons by realistic waveforms. J. Neuroscience 16:4958-4970, 1996. [pdf]


Lu, J., Dalton, J.F. IV, Stokes, D.R., and Calabrese, R.L. Functional role of Ca2+ currents in graded and spike-mediated synaptic transmission between leech heart interneurons. J. Neurophysiology 77:1779-1794, 1997. [pdf]


Nadim, F.,  and Calabrese, R.L. A slow outward current activated by FMRFamide in heart interneurons of the medicinal leech. J. Neuroscience 17:4461-4472, 1997. [pdf]


Lu, J., Gramoll, S., Schmidt, J., and Calabrese, R.L. Motor pattern switching in the heartbeat pattern generator of the medicinal leech: membrane properties and lack of synaptic interaction in switch interneurons. J. Comp. Physiology A, 184:311-324, 1999. [pdf]


Cymbalyuk, G., Patel, G., Calabrese, R., DeWeerth S., and Cohen A. Modeling alternation to synchrony with inhibitory coupling: A neuromorphic VLSI approach. Neural Computation, 12:2259-2278, 2000.  [pdf]


Cymbalyuk, G.S., Calabrese R.L. Oscillatory behaviors in pharmacologically isolated heart interneurons from the medicinal leech. J. Neurocomputing, 32-33:97-104, 2000. [pdf]


 HN cells

Ivanov, A.I., and Calabrese, R.L. Intracellular Ca2+ dynamics during spontaneous and evoked activity of leech heart interneurons: low-threshold Ca currents and graded synaptic transmission. J. Neuroscience, 20(13): 4930-4943, 2000. [pdf]


Cymbalyuk, G.S., and Calabrese, R.L. A model of slow plateau-like oscillations based upon the fast Na+ current in a window mode. Neurocomputing 38-40:159-166, 2001. [pdf]


Hill, A.A.V., Lu, J., Masino, M.A., Olsen, Ø.H., and Calabrese, R.L. A model of a segmental oscillator in the leech heartbeat neuronal network. J. Computational Neuroscience, 10:281-302, 2001. [pdf]


Simoni, M., Cymbalyuk, G., Sorensen, M. Q., Calabrese, R., and DeWeerth S. Development of hybrid systems: Interfacing a silicon neuron to a leech heart interneuron. NIPS 13:  NIPS'2000: T. Leen, T. Dietterich, and V. Tresp eds., MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2001.


Wenning, A., Erxleben, C.F.J., and Calabrese, R.L. Indirectly gated Cl--dependent Cl- channels sense physiological changes of extracellular chloride in the leech. J. Neurophysiology 86:1826-1838, 2001. [pdf]


Cymbalyuk, G.S., Gaudry, Q., Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Bursting in leech heart interneurons: Cell-autonomous and network-based mechanisms. J. Neuroscience 22(24):10580-10592, 2002. [pdf]


Hill, A.A.V., Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Model of intersegmental coordination in the leech heartbeat neuronal network. J. Neurophysiology 87:1586-1602, 2002. [pdf]


Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Phase relationships between segmentally organized oscillators in the leech heartbeat pattern generating network. J. Neurophysiology 87:1572-1585, 2002. [pdf]


Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Period differences between segmental oscillators produce intersegmental phase differences in the leech heartbeat timing network. J. Neurophysiology 87:1603-1615, 2002. [pdf]


Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. A functional asymmetry in the leech heartbeat timing network is revealed by driving the network across various cycle periods. J. Neuroscience 22(11):4418-4427, 2002. [pdf]


Simoni, M., Sorensen, M., Cymbalyuk, G., Calabrese, R., and DeWeerth, S. Control of bursting properties in a silicon neuron CPG. Neurocomputing 44: 645-651, 2002. [pdf]


Ivanov, A.I., and Calabrese, R.L. Modulation of spike-mediated synaptic transmission by presynaptic background Ca2+ in leech heart interneurons. J. Neuroscience. 23(4):1206-1218, 2003. [pdf]


Bondarenko, V.E., Cymbalyuk, G.S., Patel, G., DeWeerth, S.P., and Calabrese, R.L. Bifurcation of synchronous oscillations into torus in a system of two reciprocally inhibitory silicon neurons: Experimental observation and modeling. Chaos. 14(4):995-1003, 2004. [pdf]


Jezzini, S.H., Hill. A.A.V., Kuzyk., P., and Calabrese, R.L. Detailed model of intersegmental coordination in the timing network of the leech heartbeat central pattern generator. J. Neurophysiology. 91:958-977, 2004. [pdf]


Sorensen, M., DeWeerth, S., Cymbalyuk, G., and Calabrese, R.L. Using a hybrid neural system to reveal regulation of neuronal network activity by an intrinsic current.  J. Neuroscience. 24(23):5427-5438, 2004. [pdf]


Wenning A., Cymbalyuk, G.S., and Calabrese, R.L. Heartbeat control in leeches: I. Constriction pattern and neural modulation of blood pressure in intact animals. J. Neurophysiology 91:382-396, 2004. [pdf]


Wenning, A., Hill, A.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Heartbeat control in leeches: II. Fictive motor pattern. J. Neurophysiology 91:397-409, 2004. [pdf]


Shilnikov, A., Calabrese, R.L., and Cymbalyuk, G. Mechanism of bistability: tonic spiking and bursting in a neuron model. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 71(5 Pt 2):056214, 2005. [pdf]


Tobin, A.E., and Calabrese, R.L. Myomodulin increases Ih and inhibits the Na/K pump to modulate bursting in leech heart interneurons. J. Neurophysiology 94:3938-3950, 2005. [pdf]


Ivanov, A.I., and Calabrese, R.L. Spike-mediated and graded inhibitory synaptic transmission between leech interneurons: Evidence for shared release sites. J. Neurophysiology 96:235-251, 2006. [pdf]


Ivanov, A.I, and Calabrese, R.L. Graded inhibitory synaptic transmission between leech interneurons: Assessing the roles of two kinetically distinct low-threshold Ca currents. J. Neurophysiology 96:218-234, 2006. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., Weaver, A.L., Morris, L.G., Wenning, A., Garcia, P.A., and Calabrese, R.L. A central pattern generator producing alternative outputs: temporal pattern of premotor activity. J. Neurophysiology 96:309-326, 2006. [pdf]


Olypher, A.V., Cymbalyuk, G., and Calabrese, R.L. Hybrid systems analysis of the control of burst duration by low-voltage-activated Calcium current in leech heart interneurons. J. Neurophysiology 96:2857-2867, 2006. [pdf]


Tobin, A.E., Van Hooser, S.D., and Calabrese, R.L. Creation and reduction of a morphologically detailed model of a leech heart interneuron. J Neurophysiology 96:2107-2120, 2006. [pdf]


Tobin, A.E, and Calabrese, R.L. Endogenous and half-center bursting in morphologically inspired models of leech heart interneurons. J. Neurophysiology 96:2089-2106, 2006. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., Weaver, A.L, Wenning, A., Garcia, P.S, and Calabrese, R.L. A central pattern generator producing alternative outputs: Phase relations of leech heart motor neurons with respect to premotor synaptic input. J. Neurophysiology 98:2983-2991, 2007. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., Weaver, A.L, Wenning, A., Garcia, P.S, and Calabrese, R.L. A central pattern generator producing alternative outputs: Pattern, strength and dynamics of premotor synaptic input to leech heart motor neurons. J. Neurophysiology 98:2992-3005, 2007. [pdf]


Olypher, A., and Calabrese, R.L. Using constraints on neuronal activity to reveal compensatory changes in neuronal parameters. J Neurophysiology 98:3749-3758, 2007. [pdf]


Gabriel, J, Mahmood, R., Walter, A., Kyriakatos, A., Hauptmann, G, Calabrese, R, and El Manira, A. Locomotor pattern in the adult zebrafish spinal cord in vitro. J Neurophysiol. 99:37-48, 2008. [pdf]


García, P.S, Wright, T.M, Cunningham, I.R, and Calabrese R,L. Using a model to assess the role of the spatiotemporal pattern of inhibitory input and intrasegmental electrical coupling in the intersegmental and side-to-side coordination of motor neurons by the leech heartbeat central pattern generator. J Neurophysiol. 100:1354-1371, 2008. [pdf]


Gabriel, J.P, Mahmood, R, Kyriakatos, A, Söll, I, Hauptmann, G, Calabrese, R.L, and El Manira, A. Serotonergic modulation of locomotion in zebrafish: endogenous release and synaptic mechanisms. J Neurosci. 29:10387-10395, 2009. [pdf]


Olypher, A, and Calabrese, R.L. How does maintenance of network activity depend on endogenous dynamics of isolated neurons? Neural Comput. 21:1665-1682, 2009. Erratum in: Neural Comput. 21:2405, 2009. [pdf]


Doloc-Mihu, A, and Calabrese, R.L. A database of computational models of a half-center oscillator for analyzing how neuronal parameters influence network activity. Journal of Biological Physics. Springer, 37:263-283, 2011. [link]


Calabrese, R.L, Norris, B.J., Wenning, A., and Wright, T.M. Coping with Variability in small Neuronal Networks. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 51:845-855, 2011. [pdf]


Norris, B.J., Wenning, A., Wright, T.M., Calabrese, R.L. Constancy and variability in the output of a central pattern generator. J. Neurosci. 31(12):4663-4674, 2011. [pdf]


Wenning, A., Norris, B.J., Doloc-Mihu, A., and Calabrese, R.L. Bringing up the rear: new premotor interneurons add regional complexity to a segmental distributed motor pattern. J. Neurophysiol. 106:2201-2215, 2011. [pdf]


Wright, T.M., and Calabrese, R.L. Contribution of motoneuron intrinsic properties to fictive motor pattern generation. J. Neurophysiol. 106:538-553, 2011. [pdf]


Wright, T.M., and Calabrese, R.L. Patterns of presynaptic activity and synaptic strength interact to produce motor output. J. Neurosci. 31(48):17555-17571, 2011. [pdf]


Roffman, R.C., Norris, B.J., and Calabrese, R.L. Animal-to-animal variability of connection strength in the leech heartbeat central pattern generator. J. Neurophysiol. 107:1681-1693, 2012. [pdf]




Invited Reviews and Chapters


Calabrese, R.L. Neural generation of the peristaltic and non-peristaltic heartbeat coordination modes in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. American Zoologist 19:87-102, 1979. [pdf]


Stent, G.S., Thompson, W.J., and Calabrese, R.L. Neural control of heartbeat in the leech and some other invertebrates. Physiological Reviews 59:101-136, 1979.


Calabrese, R.L., and Cozzens, C.S. Heart (Invertebrate), in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, pp. 491-494.  McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.


Calabrese, R.L, and Peterson, E. Neural control of heartbeat in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis.  From: Neural Origin of Rhythmic Movements, pp. 195-221. A. Roberts and B. Roberts, eds., Symposium of the Society for Experimental Biology XXXVII, 1983. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L., and Arbas, E.A. Modulation of central and peripheral rhythmicity in the heartbeat system of the leech. From: Model Neural Networks and Behavior, pp. 69-85, A.I. Selverston, ed., Plenum, New York, 1985.


Carroll, L.S., Carrow, G.M., and Calabrese, R.L. Localization and release of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in an insect neuroendocrine system. From: Progress in Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology, pp. 431-434, A.B. Borkovec and B. Gelman, eds., Humana Press, Clifton, New Jersey, 1987.


Calabrese, R.L., and Arbas, E.A. Central and peripheral oscillators generating heartbeat in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. From: Neuronal and Cellular Oscillators, pp. 237-267, J.W. Jacklet, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L., Angstadt, J.D., and Arbas, E.A. A neural oscillator based on reciprocal inhibition. From:  Perspectives in Neural Systems and Behavior, pp. 33-50, T.J. Carew and D. Kelley, eds., Alan R. Liss, New York, 1989. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Modulation of muscle and neuromuscular junctions in invertebrates. SINS 1:25-34, 1989. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L, and Norris, B.J. RFamide peptides in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. American Zoologist, 29:1227-1239, 1989.


Calabrese, R.L. The center cannot hold. Current Biology 1:185-187, 1991.


Calabrese, R.L., and DeSchutter, E. Motor-pattern-generating networks in invertebrates: Modeling our way toward understanding. Trends in Neuroscience, 15:439-445, 1992.


De Schutter, E., Simon, T.W., Angstadt, J.D., and Calabrese, R.L. Modeling a neuronal oscillator that paces heartbeat in the medicinal leech. American Zoologist 33:16-28, 1993. [pdf]


Skinner, F.K., Gramoll, S., Calabrese, R.L., Kopell, N., and Marder, E. Frequency control in biological half - center oscillators.  From: Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems, pp. 223-228, F.H. Eeckman, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1994.


Calabrese, R.L. Half-center oscillators underlying rhythmic movements  From: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, pp. 444-447. M.A. Arbib, ed., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995.


Calabrese, R.L., Nadim, F., and Olsen, Ø.H. Heartbeat control in the medicinal leech: A model system for understanding the origin, coordination, and modulation of rhythmic motor patterns. J. Neurobiology 27:390-402, 1995.


Calabrese, R.L. Oscillation in motor pattern-generating networks. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 5:816-823, 1995. [pdf]


Marder, E., and Calabrese, R.L. Principles of rhythmic motor pattern generation. Physiological Reviews 76(3):687-717, 1996. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. and Feldman, J.L. Intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic mechanisms in motor rhythm generators. From: Neurons Networks and Motor Behavior, pp. 119-30, P.S.G. Stein, S. Grillner, A.I. Selverston, and D.G. Stuart, eds., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1997.


Calabrese, R.L. Cellular, synaptic, network, and modulatory mechanisms involved in rhythm generation. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 8:710-717, 1998. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Neural coordination: Taking the lead from a model. Dispatch 9(18):R680-R683, 1999. [pdf]


Patel, G.N., Cymbalyuk, G.S., Calabrese, R.L., and DeWeerth, S.P. Bifurcation Analysis of a Silicon Neuron. NIPS'1999 Volume 12: Sara Solla, Todd Leen, Klaus-Robert Muller (eds), MIT Press, pp. 731-738, 2000.


Calabrese, R.L., Hill, A.A.V., and Van Hooser, S.D. Realistic modeling of small neuronal circuits. From: Computational Neuroscience: Realistic Modeling for Experimentalists, pp. 259-288. E. DeSchutter, ed., CRC Press, NY, 2001. [pdf]


Simoni, M.F., Cymbalyuk, G.S., Sorensen, M.Q., Calabrese, R.L., and DeWeerth, S.P. Development of Hybrid Systems: Interfacing a Silicon Neuron to a Leech Heart Interneuron. NIPS'2000 Volume 13: Todd Leen, Tom Dietterich, Volker Tresp (eds), MIT Press, pp. 173-179, 2001.


Hill, A.A.V., Van Hooser, S.D., and Calabrese, R.L. Half-center oscillators underlying rhythmic movements  From: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, pp. 507-510. M.A. Arbib, ed., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002.


Calabrese, R.L. Behavioral Choices: How neuronal networks make decisions. Current Biology 13:R140-R142, 2003. [pdf]


Hill, A.A.V., Masino, M.A., and Calabrese, R.L. Intersegmental coordination of rhythmic motor patterns. J. Neurophysiology 90:531-538, 2003. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Neuronal networks: Dissection one channel at a time. Current Biology 14:R154-R155, 2004. [pdf]


Kristan, W.B. Jr, Calabrese, R.L, and Friesen, W.O. Neuronal control of leech behavior. Progress in Neurobiology 76:279-327, 2005. [pdf]


Calabrese, R.L. Motor networks: Shifting coalitions. Current Biology 17:R139-141, 2007. [pdf]


Lamb, D.G., and Calabrese, R.L. Neural circuits controlling behavior and autonomic functions in medicinal leeches. Neural Systems & Circuits 1-13, 2011. [pdf]


Lamb, D.G., and Calabrese, R.L. Small is beautiful: models of small neuronal networks. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22:1-6, 2012. [pdf]



Laboratory Publications Supported by Grants to R.L.C.


Maranto, A.R.  Neuronal mapping: A photooxidation reaction makes lucifer yellow useful for electron microscopy. Science 217:953-955, 1982. [pdf]


Peterson, E. Generation and coordination of the heartbeat timing oscillation in the medicinal leech: I. Oscillation in isolated ganglia. J. Neurophysiology 49(3):611-626, 1983. [pdf]


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Last updated February 8, 2010 . Please send comments to
adolocm at