The Atlanta Area Chromatin Club (AACC) consists of groups of investigators from laboratories at Emory, Georgia Tech, UGA, and Kennesaw State, that share a common interest in chromatin and epigenetics research. The fundamental link among the groups is research on the role of chromatin structure in the regulation of gene expression. The experimental models utilized by the labs include, Arabidopsis, C. elegans, Drosophila, mouse, and humans.

The group includes the laboratories of:

Jerry Boss
Victor Corces
Roger Deal
Brian Dias
Yuhong Fan
Karmella Haynes
Peng Jin
David Katz
Bill Kelly
Scott Nowak
Leila Rieder

The labs meet monthly in Whitehead room 400 at 5 pm, with each group hosting the meeting and presenting current research. For more information, contact David Katz (

2019 Schedule

January 17, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Fan Lab
February 21, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Rieder Lab
March 14, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Haynes Lab
April 11, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Deal Lab
May 9, at UGA UGA
September 12, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Dias Lab
October 12, 5 pm Whitehead 400 Kelly lab

© 2019 Emory University
Last Update: March 9, 2019