Art and Science

Study the science of art and the art of science. -- Leonardo Da Vinci

We are interested in the ways in which science can inform the creation of art and the ways that art can be used to bring scienctfic concepts to non scientific audiences. Below are some of the ways in which we have explored this connection. If you would be interested in working as an artist in the lab or in using art-science lessons in your classroom, please contact Dr. Nicole Gerardo.

An Evening of Art-Science Evening

On November 18th, 2010 we hosted an informal gathering to explore how concepts in evolutionary biology can be depicted using visual art. Students and researchers each picked a topic and created a small painting, collage or other visual art piece that depicted that concept. These works were then displayed in the O Wayne Rollins Research Center lobby.

Student Artists in Labs

From 2009 until 2012, undergraduates Kelly Gracia and Julie Chang worked alongside researchers in the lab to learn about the systems and tools studied and utilized in the lab. Based on their experiences, they created artistics pieces using microbes (bacteria and fungi) isolated from fungus-growing ant gardens. A final piece, depicting a "evolutionary tree" was displayed as part of the undergraduate research symposium and in our research building. 

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Art and Science After School Program

Kelly Gracia and Julie Chang developed a six-week middle school program to teach students about both concepts in art and evolution. Each week focused on one theme in evolution and one concept in visuals arts. They worked with students at Redan Middle School. This project was funded by Emory's SIRE program.

Making Connections between Art and Science at Emory

Working with members of the chemistry, visual arts and biology departments, we helped set up a exhibition of science images to be displayed in the visual art department. This project is part of an ongoing project to connect visual arts students and faculty with scientists on campus. 


Links to Other Art and Science Pages

Connections between Art and Science

Science and Art 

World Science Festival

Biophemera: A Blog about Connections Between Art and Science

Biocreativity: A Blog about the Interrelatedness of Art and Science 

The Flying Trilobite: A Blog about Art is Awe of Science

Sci Art Sci

     a blog about art and science connections

Artists and Scientists at the Exploratorium

      Exploratorium Founder Frank Oppenheimer called artists and scientists “the official ‘noticers’ of society,” adding that “they notice things that other people either have never learned to see or have learned to ignore, and communicate those ‘noticings’ to others.” Many museums now incorporate both art and science, but this was a revolutionary idea when the Exploratorium opened its doors in the late sixties.

Artists in Lab: Tonsor and Settles 

Collaborations between Scientists and Artists

Examples of Science-Themed Art

Art-Science Collaboration Inc

Swiss Artists in Labs 

Where Science Meets Art. A Series of NPR Stories

The lottolab

Rhode Island School of Design: Artists Seeking Science

Earth, Science, Art 

Symbiartic, Science and Art Interview with Heather Knight 

Seeking Science with an Artist’s Eye

     An Interview with Heather Bimonte-Nelson, a neuroscientist and artist and Arizona State University. 

The Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art 

Artists and Neuroscientists Working together

Bio-artistis use science to create art

     Bio-artists use live tissues, bacteria, living organisms and life processes to create works of art that blur the traditional distinctions between science and art.

 Art + Bio: An Art and Science Exhibition at Central Michigan University

Coral and Phage Art

Migrations Between Science And Art: Jellyfish Burger 

Science to Art and vice versa

Art and Science Gallery

Using Art to Teach Science

Evolution Animation

     animating evolution with students

Embedded Systems and Kinetic Art, an art-science course for undergraduates 

A Coloring Book based on the Leaf-Cutter Symbiosis

Using Organisms and Science Techniques to Make Art

Artists use microbiology as a medium for art 

Bacterial Pigments for Art in the Classroom

Materials Research Society, Science as Art

Insect Made Art

     Since the early 1980s, artist Hubert Duprat has been utilizing insects to construct some of his "sculptures." By removing caddis fly larvae from their natural habitat and providing them with precious materials, he prompts them to manufacture cases that resemble jewelers' creations.

Visualization in Science

When Scientists become Artists: The Beauty of Scientific Images

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© Gerardo Lab, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2012