
Also Currently in the Lab

Vander Harris (high school student, headed to Stanford University), Essie Quakyi (undergraduate, visiting from Brown University)

Former Postdocs and Visiting Scientists

Boran Alticicek (visiting Scientist, now at the University of Bonn), Seth Barribeau (postdoc, now at ETH in Zurich), Bas ter Braak (visiting masters student)

Former Undergraduates

Austin Causey (undergraduate), Julie Chang (undergraduate Artist-in-Lab), Yaa Cheramatong (undergraduate), Karen Choe (undergraduate), Sunny Chung (undergraduate), Kelly Gracia (undergraduate Artist-in-Lab), Alex Kamins (undergraduate), Scott Keith (visiting SURE undergraduate), Carmen Linares (undergraduate), Nancy Lowe (lab tech), Zayir Malik (undergraduate), Matt Qiao (undergraduate), Daniel Sok (undergraduate, went on to U.S. Navy), Jill Spragg (undergraduate, went on to graduate school at the University of Washington), Shruthi Subramanyam (undergraduate), Claire Trincot (visiting SURE undergraduate), Matt Wintein (undergraduate, went on to a masters program in biology)

© Gerardo Lab, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2012