Currently Hiring Graduate Students and Postdocs!

The Berman Lab, part of the Theoretical Biophysics Cluster and Computational Neuroscience Group at Emory University, is currently looking for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to work on various theoretical and computational problems related to the modelling and quantification of animal behavior. All candidates should have a strong quantitative backgound in mathematical modelling, data analysis, and/or computational science.
Interested graduate students (currently at Emory or otherwise) should send an email to Prof. Berman, and prospective postdocs should apply to a position within the Theoretical Biophysics Cluster (see ad below) by sending a CV, a brief description of research interests and experience, and a list of three references to
Emory undergraduates with some quantitative or computational experience that are interested in joining the lab should send Prof. Berman an email containing their class year, major, and relevant coursework/background. All interested undergraduates should be comfortable coding in at least one language and should be unafraid of learning new mathematical and computational concepts.