E. coli Electroporation

Note: Dialysis helps you to get more colonies (30 min)

1) Get electrocompetant E. coli (DH5a) from the -80C freezer and thaw on ice.

2) Cool cuvette on ice.

3) Add 40 ul E.coli to cuvette. Add 1-10 ul DNA (50 ng-500 ng). Mix by thumping on table. Do a control with no DNA.

4) Remove cuvette from ice. Dry all sides and bottom with a KimWipe.

5) Place in electroporation chamber. Apply voltage is 1800v.

6) Pulse electricity until it beeps. Place back on ice.

7) Add 1 ml LB and incubate at 37C for 30 min.

8) Spin down. Pour off sup leaving ~100ul. Resuspend.

9) Plate entire suspension on appropriate pre-warmed LB plate.

10) Grow at 37C.