Lab Publications
Behavioral Analysis of Drosophila
Overman, K.E., Choi, D.M., Leung, K., Shaevitz, J.W., and Berman, G.J., "Measuring the repertoire of age-related behavioral changes in Drosophila melanogaster " (In Press at eLife). [Link]
Hernandez, D.G., Rivera, C., Cande, J., Zhou, B., Stern, D.L., and Berman, G.J., "A framework for studying behavioral evolution by reconstructing ancestral repertoires" (Under revision, preprint here).
Alba, V., Berman, G.J., Bialek, W., and Shaevitz, J.W., "Exploring a strongly non-Markovian animal behavior" (Under revision, preprint here).
Ding, Y., Lillvis, J.L., Cande, J., Berman, G.J., Arthur, B.J., Xu, M., Dickson, B.J., and Stern, D.L., "Neural evolution of context-dependent fly song " Current Biology, 7, 2019, 1089-1099 [Link] (preprint here).
Cande, J., Namiki, S., Qiu, J., Korff, W., Card, G., Shaevitz, J.W., and Stern, D.L., and Berman, G.J., "Optogenetic dissection of descending behavioral control in Drosophila " eLife, 7, 2018, e34275 [Link]
Berman, G.J., Bialek, W., and Shaevitz, J.W., "Predictability and hierarchy in Drosophila behavior" PNAS, 113, 2016, 11943-11948 [Link] (preprint here).
Klibaite, U., Berman, G.J., Cande J., Stern, D.L., and Shaevitz, J.W., "An unsupervised method for quantifying the behavior of paired individuals" Physical Biology, 14, 2017, 015006 [Link] (preprint here).
LaRue, K., Clemens, J., Berman, G.J., and Murthy, M., "Acoustic duetting relies on the integration of auditory and tactile signals in Drosophila virilis" eLife, 4, 2015, 07277. [Link]
Berman, G.J., Choi, D. M., Bialek, W., and Shaevitz, J.W., "Mapping the stereotyped behaviour of freely moving fruit flies" J. Royal Soc. Interface, 11, 2014, 20140672. [Link]
Neural and Behavioral Analysis
Nande, A., Dubinkina, V., Ravasio, R., Zhang, G.H., and Berman, G.J., "Modeling bottlenecks, modularity, and context-dependency in behavioral control" (Under review, preprint here).
Borie, A.M., Agezo, S., Lunsford, P., Boender, A., Guo, J., Berman, G.J., Young, L.J., and Liu, R.C., "Social experience alters oxytocinergic modulation in the nucleus accumbens of female prairie voles" (Under revision, preprint here).
Saravanan, V., Berman, G.J., and Sober, S., "Application of the hierarchical bootstrap to multi-level data in neuroscience" Neurons, Behavior, Data analysis, and Theory, 2020, [Link]
Saravanan, V., Hoffman, L.A., Jacobs, A., Berman, G.J., and Sober, S., "Dopamine depletion affects vocal acoustics and disrupts sensorimotor adaptation in songbirds" eNeuro, 6, 2019, [Link]
Jain, K. and Berman, G.J. "Opening the black box of social behavior" Nature Neuroscience, 22, 2019, 1947–1948 (Preview of this article). [Link]
Berman, G.J. "Measuring behavior across scales" BMC Biology, 16, 2018, 23. [Link] (preprint here)
Berman, G.J. "How to build a behavior" Neuron, 100, 2018, 1275-1277 (Preview of this article). [Link]
Tabler, J.M., Mitchell, M.M., Berman, G.J., Gopalakrishna, S., Fitch, R., Carter, C., Vokes, S., Tajbakhsh, S., Egnor, S.E.R., and Wallingford, J., "Cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling controls form and function in the mammalian larynx" eLife, 6, 2017, e19153. [Link]
Dynamical Analysis of Human Brain Data
Billings, J.C., Medda, A., Shakil, S., Shen, X., Kashyap, A., Chen, S., Abbas, A., Zhang, X., Nezafati, M., Pan, W., Berman, G.J., and Keilholz, S.D., "Instantaneous Brain Dynamics Mapped to a Continuous State Space" NeuroImage, 162, 2017, 344-352. [Link] (preprint here).
Billings, J.C., Medda, A., Berman, G.J., and Keilholz, S.D., "Functional connectivity metrics for wavelet clustering of rs-fMRI data" 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1295-1299, 2016. [Link]
Insect Flight
Ristroph, L., Bergou, A.J., Berman, G.J., Guckenheimer, J., Wang, Z.J., and Cohen, I., "Dynamics, Control, and Stabilization of Turning Flight in Fruit Flies" In: Childress, S., Hosoi, A., Schultz, W.W., and Wang, Z.J., eds. Natural Locomotion in Fluids and on Surfaces, Springer, New York, NY, 2012, 83-100. [Link]
Ristroph, L., Bergou, A.J., Ristroph, G., Coumes, K., Berman, G.J., Guckenheimer, J., Wang, Z.J., and Cohen, I., ”Discovering the flight autostabilizer of fruit flies by inducing aerial stumbles” PNAS, 107, 2010, 4820-4824. [Link]
Berman, G.J. "Optimization, Control and Flies: Quantitative Studies of Insect Flight" Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, 2009. [Link]
Ristroph, L., Berman, G.J., Bergou, A.J., Wang, Z.J., and Cohen, I., ”Automated hull reconstruction motion tracking (HRMT) applied to sideways maneuvers of free-flying insects” Journal of Experimental Biology, 212, 2009, 1324-1335. [Link]
Berman, G.J. and Wang, Z.J., ”Energy-minimizing kinematics in hovering insect flight,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 582, 2007, 153-167. [Link]