CS 325 Artificial Intelligence


  • The grades are assigned according to the usual Emory University scale (see below).
  • Homeworks are distributed throughout the semester.
  • Details of homeworks will be given as the semester progresses.

Grade (percent scale) Points From (point scale)
  • 93 -- 100+ = A
  • 90 -- 92.99 = A-
  • 87 -- 89.99 = B+
  • 83 -- 86.99 = B
  • 80 -- 82.99 = B-
  • 77 -- 79.99 = C+
  • 73 -- 76.99 = C
  • 70 -- 72.99 = C-
  • 67 -- 69.99 = D+
  • 60 -- 66.99 = D
  • 00 -- 59.99 = F
  • 9x Homeworks = 45 pts (+9 extra pts)
    Note: Homeworks submitted late will have 1 point deducted.
  • (In-class surveys and exercises = +5 extra pts)
  • Mid-Term Exam = 25 pts
  • Final exam = 30 pts
    Note: The final exam will occur on the official Emory exam date, which is listed at the bottom of the Schedule page.
TOTAL: 100 points (+14 possible extra points!)

Student Surveys & Homeworks

Student surveys and in-class exercises are distributed at various times of the course in order to determine your previous knowledge and motivations, and track your progress and the efficiency of the lecture materials for this course.

Initial skills and motivation survey: Students should be as objective and accurate as possible in reporting their areas of expertise on the initial survey. Homeworks and choice of programming language selected for the semester will be based on the results of the initial survey. However, it is inevitable that some new technologies will have to be learned in order for the homeworks to succeed. Students should therefore plan to spend some time coming "up to speed" on these new technologies.

In-class surveys: These are intended to track your naive knowledge before a lecture and your understanding of the material afterwards.