CS 325 Artificial Intelligence


This is a junior-level course on the principles of artificial intelligence (AI) built from a combination of materials from the classic textbook by Russel & Norvig (see below), the recent online version of the course directed by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, and some other online materials.

The goal of this course is not only to give you a basic understanding and working knowledge of the current state of the art in the AI field, but also raise your interest. My interest in AI led me to work on the brain.

There is a lot of material to cover, which include: intelligent agents, problem solving by searching, unsupervised and supervised machine learning, neural networks, probabilistic reasoning, Bayesian networks, logic and planning, games, Markov decision networks, reinforcement learning, knowledge representations, inference, functional programming (e.g., LISP), expert systems, natural language processing, and design of intelligent systems. There will be an emphasis on artificial and biological neuronal networks and machine learning algorithms.

The details will be revealed throughout the semester on the Schedule page.

Prerequisites: Computer Science 171.

Suggested courses: MATH 221: Linear Algebra, MATH 107: Intro Probability & Statistics.

Class time & location: 2:30-3:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays at MathCS W302.

Exams and homeworks: There will be a midterm, a final exam and several small homeworks. The details of point distributions are on the Grading page.

Class website: http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cs325000

We will also use BlackBoard and Piazza ( see an anonymous read-only version) for communicating. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza.

Textbook & Materials

Some of the material used in the course is available on the web. 

Required Textbook: Artificial Intelligence: Modern Approach (3rd ed) by Russel and Norwig (with online materials).
Discount copies/renting available at Bigwords.com.

Additional materials: Videos from Stanford's 2011 online course on "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig. In case you cannot access the main site, you can also see this unofficial archive site and the old ai-class.com website.

InstructorTeaching Assistant
Cengiz Gunay, PhD
Office: W425
Email: cgunay @ Emory
Office Hours: by appointment

Yonghui Xiao
Office: N426
Email: yonghui.xiao @ Emory
Office Hours: Tue and Thu after class, 3:45pm-5:45pm