Postdoctoral researchers

Our lab welcomes postdoctoral researchers with an interest in the ecology and evolution of parasites. A strong preference is given to applicants who are willing to apply for their own funding. We are interested in postdocs with a wide variety of skills (e.g. molecular, experimental, theoretical) to work on monarch butterflies and their parasites. We are also interested in postdocs who would like to apply general ecological and evolutionary principles to the study of human malaria. Check out Emory's FIRST program, NSF's Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology program, NIH's Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Awards scheme and the Human Frontier Science Program for a number of funding opportunities.


Graduate students

As a graduate student in our lab, you will be trained in experimental approaches to disease ecology and evolution. In collaboration with other faculty in the Biology Department and Human Genetics Department, there are also opportunities to work on molecular and theoretical approaches. Potential graduate students should contact Jaap de Roode and apply through the PBEE graduate program.


Undergraduate students

Our lab is interested in undergraduate students who are willing to spend at least 10 hours a week in our lab, helping out with our research on monarch butterflies and their parasites. A strong interest in ecology, evolution and parasites is a must, as is a strong motivation and healthy work ethic. There are many different ways in which to conduct undergraduate research in our lab, including volunteering, work-study, research for credit, and honors research. There are also opportunities through Emory's SIRE and SURE programs. Note that the SURE program is open to non-Emory students as well as Emory students.


High school students and teachers

We welcome enquiries from high school students and teachers to work in our lab. High school students work on a voluntary basis, while high school teachers may apply to Emory's GIFT program.