All Biology majors (including students earning a double major in Biology with Biology as the second major AND Business School students who are earning a second major (Biology) in Emory College) are required to meet with their Biology advisor each semester during the advising period prior to registration to discuss their academic plan and progress prior to signing up for classes.
Biology majors have an enrollment hold placed on their respective OPUS account every Fall and Spring semester until he/she meets with his/her advisor. The faculty advisor will release the student's enrollment hold after the scheduled advising meeting.
Declaring a Major
As a student, you are required to choose a major by the end of your second year. However, you may do so as early as the second semester of your freshman year.
To declare a major in Biology (BA or BS):
- Fill out and submit the online Declaration of Major/Minor (DOM) form in OPUS.
- Ms. Barbara Shannon will contact you via e-mail to provide you with your Biology faculty advisor assignment and additional Biology major information.
Advising by Enrollment Status
Three Biology faculty members serve as advisors for students interested in pursuing health careers. They meet with prospective students, parents, and current undergraduates regarding careers in physical therapy, as a physician's assistant, in medicine, and in veterinary medicine. They also write supportive letters of recommendation for current undergraduates and oversee meetings and activities for these students.
- Pre-Physical Therapy Advisor: Kathleen Campbell
- Pre-Physician's Assistant Advisor, Kathleen Campbell
- Pre-Med Advisor, Alex Escobar
- Pre-Vet Advisor Dave Civitello
If medical school is in your future, then the Pre-Health Advising Office can help.
To declare a major in Biology, PLEASE CONTACT BARBARA SHANNON at TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. At the declaration appointment, the student will be provided with the major requirements and will be assigned a Biology faculty member as their academic advisor.
All Biology majors (including students earning a double major in Biology with Biology as the second major AND Business School students who are earning a second major (Biology) in Emory College are required to meet with their Biology advisor each semester during the advising period prior to registration to discuss their academic plan and progress prior to signing up for classes. Biology majors have an enrollment hold placed on their respective OPUS account every Fall and Spring semester until he/she meets with his/her advisor. The faculty advisor will release the student's enrollment hold after the scheduled advising meeting.
Students continuing at Emory College from Oxford College will have an opportunity to fill out a Declaration of Major/Minor (DOM) form during a predesignated Emory Connections Day that will be scheduled by the Emory College Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) during the Fall and Spring semesters. OUE will then provide copies of the DOMs to the appropriate departments for processing.
Once the DOMs for the prospective biology majors are received by the Biology Department, the Academic Undergraduate Degree Program Coordinator, Ms. Barbara Shannon, will assign a biology advisor to each student and will provide the student with the name and contact information for their respective advisor. The continuing student will then be required to schedule an advising appointment with their assigned biology advisor, who will assist with course selection for the next semester.
It is also expected that Oxford continuees will have completed coursework for the General Education Requirements (GERs), with the exception of WR courses. However, continuees should bring to the advisor meeting a copy of their GER audit.
For additional information, Oxford continuees should contact the Emory College Office of Undergraduate Education in 300 White Hall (ph. 404-727-6069).