CS 485/540 Software Engineering

Assignments: Fall 2012

This semester the assignments are more closely integrated with the software project. For some of the assignments, the grade will be based on peer-evaluation plus instructor evaluation. See the Guidelines page for additional information or examples.

Project Role Presentation: 10 pts.

Each person is assigned a specific role in the semester's project. Peer evaluation of performance in the role will contribute 50% of the grade, with instructor assessment covering the other 50%. For the presentation, worth 10 points, the grade will come from the instructor alone. The student will present a short explanation of his/her role on the project, explain how it fits into the software development life cycle, and present any preparation or research done to ensure top performance.

Reading Report/Presentation: 10 pts.

Each student will be assigned an article to review and present to the class. The topics will be related to software engineering and in general represent the experiences of noted practitioners in the field. These articles are cached on this site, in the Resources directory, in case the original links are broken.

Due Date Topic Name
Computer Science vs. Software Engineering
[Article]   [Presentation]
Defining User Requirements
[Article]   [Presentation]
Web User Interface Design
[Article] [Web]   [Presentation]
Mobile User Interface Design
[Article1] [Web1]  [Article2] [Web2]  [Presentation]
Software Architecture
[Article]   [Presentation]
Agile Data Modeling
[Article]   [Presentation]
Usability Testing
[Article1] [Web1]   [Article2] [Web2]   [Presentation]