CS 485/540 Software Engineering

Guidelines for Assignments

Each student has both project work to accomplish as well as presentations and two written exams. Scrums will record the individual work on the project, and the methods and expectations will be explained during scrum sessions at the start or end of each class session. Guides for presentations and project documents are discussed below.

(1) Article Report/Presentation

Each student will present a short (about 15-20 minutes) lecture on an assigned reading. Some documentation should accompany the lecture -- whether slides, a PDF, or other written overview. This document must be submitted by the beginning of class via the BlackBoard website. The point is to both convey what they author says as well as to offer a thoughtful analysis. See the Readings page for further information.

(2) Project Role Presentation

The project roles reflect those commonly assigned for software projects. Each student will present a brief (10-20 minute) lecture on his/her role in the project, relate it to the appropriate section of the textbook's Principles That Guide Practice (Chapter 4 in the text). A summary of the work that was accomplished (or is planned) for that role should be included as part of the presentation. The slides for Chapter 4 also contain an overview of the Principles.

(3) Product Documentation


(4) Software Release Package


(5) Customer Acceptance Report

This report is developed in partnership with the customer. It is a "checklist" of items that the customer expects to see in the final product released at the end of the semester. A sample Acceptance Report is available, but yours may vary significantly depending on your project.

(6) Product Demo Guidelines

The project work will be evaluated with a demonstration with possibly outside guests. Please review the guidelines for more information about what is expected, and for details regarding the schedule.