CS 485/540 Software Engineering


About the course...

Although this course is offered at both the graduate (CS-540) and undergraduate levels (CS-485), it is planned and delivered as a graduate-level course. Performance requirements for the course are the same, regardless of the section in which a student is enrolled. As a graduate course, the bulk of the work takes place on your own time. Students should plan their schedules accordingly, leaving sufficient time to complete the projects and presentations.

Semester Project

Software Engineering is the practice of process. This course seeks to balance discussion of Theory with the execution of Agile process via a "live" project. The project is released to the public at the end of the semester in a public demonstration. For this reason, the project implemented during the semester reflects needs of a real audience.

Assignments, Points and Grades

The grades are assigned according to the usual Emory University scale (see below).
Assignments are distributed throughout the semester. Points per assignment vary (see below).
Details of assignments will be made as the semester progresses.

Grade (percent scale) Assignments (point scale)
  • 93 -- 100+ = A
  • 90 -- 92.99 = A-
  • 87 -- 89.99 = B+
  • 83 -- 86.99 = B
  • 80 -- 82.99 = B-
  • 77 -- 79.99 = C+
  • 73 -- 76.99 = C
  • 70 -- 72.99 = C-
  • 67 -- 69.99 = D+
  • 60 -- 66.99 = D
  • 00 -- 59.99 = F
Some assignments have been consolidated.
The overall ratio, 50% texts and 50% project work, has not changed.
  • Presentation (Assigned Reading) = 10 pts
  • Mid-Term Exam = 20 pts
  • Project = 50 pts
    • Scrum Participations = 20 pts (1 pt. each)
    • Presentation (Project Role) = 10 pts
    • Project & Demo Participation = 10 pts
    • Acceptance Report = 10 pts
  • Final Exam = 20 pts
TOTAL: 100 points

Please note that the Graduate School does not give credit for grades below C at the graduate-level. For those registered in the 485 (undergraduate) section, grades below C are credited.

Office Hours, Email & Schedule

I will be available either by appointment (please email me) or immediately following class lecture. For class-related matters, please email me at cgunay (at) emory (dot) edu This website acts as the primary source for official information regarding the course, assignments, and schedule updates. But note that we will be using the Emory BlackBoard site as well.

Skills Survey & Course Project(s)

A Skills Survey is distributed at the beginning of the course in order to determine a project that is reasonably achievable. Students should be as objective and accurate as possible in reporting their areas of expertise on the survey. Project(s) selected for the semester will be based on the results of the survey. However, it is inevitable that some new technologies will have to be learned in order for the project to succeed. Students should therefore plan to spend some time coming "up to speed" on these new technologies.