CS 485/540 Software Engineering

Reading Assignments

There are 5 reading assignments for this course, in addition to the textbook chapters. Each reading assignment requires a written report covering the following 4 items:

  1. Summary
  2. Supporting Points
  3. Points Against
  4. Reader's Opinion (for or against)

The reader's opinion should be supported by observations, personal experience, or other rational explanation. A copy of each reading assignment has been cached at this website to ensure availability. Reports should be brief and concise; no longer than 2 pages. An exceptional report may be awarded an extra point (i.e., 6 points total). Examples may be posted on this site's Home Page.

For due dates, please see eiher the Assignments page or the semester Schedule page, since the submission dates may change.

(1) Software Engineering Is Not Computer Science

The original article, by Chuck Connell, appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal. A cached copy, in PDF format is HERE.

(2) 12 Steps To Better Code

Joel Spolsky keeps a lively, interesting blog. The 12 Steps Joel recommends are an interesting way to measure both your own performance as well as that of your organization. .

(3) Requirements Engineering

Even though Karl Wieger's article is nearly 10 years old, it still offers valuable insight into the process of understanding what customers want. When Telepathy Won't Do applies to web development as much as it does to traditional software development. (Cached Copy).

(4) Testing Software

There are two articles to choose from (choose only one). The first one, from the Testing Geek website, covers Software Testing of User Stories which is particularly useful for our agile project methods. (Cached Version). The second option is an article/interview featuring Martin Fowler, who has contributed in many areas of Computer Science. Test Driven Development is a mantra for many of the best developers. (Cached Version).

(5) Software Estimation

Two articles are also available for this topic (choose one). The first is by Steve McConnell, who is perhaps best known for his book "Code Complete". Lessons in Software Estimation looks at the kinds of issues that arise in any kind of project planning, not just software planning. (Cached Version). The second article is by Joel Spolsky and introduces the idea of Evidence-Based Scheduling, which builds on personal statistics gathered over time. (Cached Version).