CS 485/540 Software Engineering
Classes take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4-5:15pm at MathCS W302.

Semester Schedule

Wk# Date Topic Assignment Due
1 08/30 Grading. Course overview. Project Opportunities.
Software Engineering & the Software Product Lifecycle.
Skills Survey
9/4 Descriptions of Potential Projects
Working with IDEs and Project Tools.
Project Feedback
2 9/6 Introduction to Software Engineering (Ch.1);
Overview of Process Models (Ch. 2)
Ch. 1 & 2
9/11 Preparing the project development environment.
Choose between TargetProcess and Rally. Review PHP IDEs.
Setup XAMPP environment (Stefan Falkner).
(Lab session: Bring your laptops)
3 9/13 Team Assignments & Project Overview
Project Planning & The Software Development Lifecycle;
Project Roles: Managers, Developers, Designers, & More.
9/18 Guest Speaker: Scott Turnbull, Manager, Information Tech. at Emory University Libraries
Topic: Agile Development ..or something that looks like it
4 9/20 User Stories and
Requirements Specifications
First Reading: Software Engineering Is Not Computer Science
(Presentation by Man Wang)
Reading 1
Scrum 1
CoffeeMaker Example
More User Stories
9/25 The Agile Process (Ch. 3) Scrum 2
Ch. 03
5 9/27 Principles of Practice (Ch. 4.1 - 4.3)
Version Control with Subversion
Scrum 3
10/02 Requirements Modelling and Scenarios (Ch.6)
Second Reading: The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code by Joel Spolsky
(Presentation by Stefan Falkner)
Scrum 4
6 10/04 Req. Modelling WebApps (Ch.7);
PHP Tutorial
Scrum 5
PHP Tutorial
10/09 PHP Tutorial (cont.) Scrum 6
7 10/11 Guest Speaker: Michael Solomon (date tentative)
Consultant/Trainer/Speaker, Solomon Consulting Inc. and Suncoast Solutions
(Books by M. Solomon)
Scrum 7
8 10/18 Mid-Term (Take Home) Exam due 20 Oct 11:59pm
10/23 Third Reading: "Archetypes and Their Use in Mobile UX" (by Zhou, Chi)
1st Role Report: Software Architecture (by Valentin Lazar)
Software Design Concepts (Ch.8) and Understanding Requirements (Ch.5)
Scrum 8
Non-functional demo due
9 10/25 Software Architecture (Ch.9); Component Level Design (Ch.10) Scrum 9
10/30 User Interface Design (Ch.11) Scrum 10
10 11/1 Pattern-Based Design (Ch. 12)
Design Patterns/Head First Design Patterns (book)
Scrum 11
11/6 Web Design Patterns (Ch.13);
Scrum 12
1st iteration due
11 11/08 Plan, Execute, Measure, Rinse & Repeat: Software Process Review.
1st iteration postmortem
Focus group feedback and 2nd iteration scope
Scrum 13
11/13 Fourth Reading: Usability Testing (by Valentin Lazar)
Role Presentation: Data Model and Code Architecture (by Stefan Falkner)
Scrum 14
12 11/15 Software Quality and Testing (Chs. 14 through 17) Scrum 15
11/20 Role Presentation: Chi Zhou (UI Design with JQuery)
Guest Speaker: Anca Doloc-Mihu, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biology Dept
"Real World Scientific Software"
Scrum 16
13 11/22 THANKSGIVING BREAK (No Class)
11/27 Role Presentation: Acceptance and Unit Testing (by Man Wang)
2nd iteration planning
Scrum 17
14 11/29 1st iteration demo presentation (by Valentin Lazar)
Guest Speaker: Brian DeShong
"Don't Break Things: Building and Deploying Web Applications With Confidence"
Sr. Software Engineer at CrowdTwist (Previously at Yahoo!)
Scrum 18
12/4 2nd iteration user stories
Beta test survey feedback
Course Evaluation
Scrum 19
15 12/6 Software Process Improvement (Ch.30)
Emerging Trends (Ch.31);
Deployment with Phing
Scrum 20
12/10 Finalize project work for semester
Review implemented features in class
Demonstration-Ready Software;
Product Presentation
Developer Role Documentation;
12/15 Final Exam (take-home) due 11:59pm