Patrick CaffertyTeaching Professor
- Ph.D., Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, 2006
- M.Sc., Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, 2000
- B.Sc., Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, 1998
Teaching Philosophy
My interest in biology began during my childhood when growing up in a rural community, I avidly bird-watched and examined creatures in the inter-tidal zones of the Atlantic Ocean.; As I learned more about biology, I became fascinated by the broad scope of the study of life from the molecular interactions within cells to the complex behavioral patterns exhibited by members of a community.; During my graduate and post-doctoral training, I had the privilege to investigate the biochemistry of proteins underlying Alzheimer’s Disease pathology, the cellular mechanisms responsible for proper wiring of the nervous system, and the evolution of myelin, an insulating material required for fast communication in vertebrate neurons.; These experiences helped solidify my love of biology and, as a lecturer of biology, I am excited to share my passion with students taking introductory biology and human physiology courses.
My specific interest in human physiology originates from my athletics background.; Since my youth, I have competed in a variety of events including cycling races and triathlons.; Over the years, I have worked with excellent coaches who provided assistance, encouragement, and helped to plan my training.; I approach classroom teaching with the qualities of these coaches in mind and I aim to guide my students through problems using active learning methods.; The ultimate goal for my classes is to make learning biology interesting, engaging, and fun.
- Cafferty, P. (2022) "I really enjoy these annotations:" Examining primary biological literature using collaborative annotation. CourseSource.
- Cafferty, P. (2021) Quick Fix: The Artistic Office Hour promotes personal faculty-student interaction. College Teaching.
- Cafferty, P. (2021) Adaptation and facilitation of small group activities in an online introductory biology class. CourseSource.
- Cafferty, P. (2021) Taking the office hour out of the office. Journal of College Science Teaching. 50(3)
- Cafferty, P. (2020) Teaching a flipped, fully online class using small group work. HAPS Educator. Special Edition:55-61.
- Cafferty, P. (2019) Electrical and chemical communication in the nervous system. HHMI BioInteractive A&P FMN (2019), QUBES Educational Resources.